Yesterday Andy and I embarked on a mission to organize the big closet in our second bedroom. It has a LOT of stuff in it and is great to have, but it just wasn’t really working for either of us. I wanted to make it so that you could actually walk into it, and so that I could more easily access stuff. Anyway, in doing so we got rid of a bunch of empty boxes we’d been keeping, and Kira finally became like a real cat and sat herself down into this box lid.

Kira in a box.

That was our weekend excitement. It’s been awhile since I’ve shared links, so some of these are old–weekend excitement for YOU!

  • 7 quirky holidays to celebrate in May
    Cuz why not??

  • 5 things you should do every day, even when life is stressful.
    For me personally, I don’t have a load of laundry to do every day, but I appreciate the sentiment. And the others are great! I’ve been really prioritizing cleaning the kitchen, meaning I sometimes do it several times a day, but each of those times takes me about 2.5 minutes, and the pay off makes me very happy.

  • A refreshingly straightforward account of how one woman lost 33 pounds and has kept it off
    She limits how much she eats, she eats mostly real foods, and she exercises. But when she has a particularly strong craving for one kind of food, she eats it! The wonder.

  • Related: simple rules for healthy eating

  • 31 cat reactions to every day situations

The best on Twitter:

  • Funny blurb from the local news
  • Now that the royal baby has been born…
  • My cat met another Kira Lindeman and had a marriage proposal

I won’t even try to top that.

Laura Lindeman

Laura Lindeman