Hold the phone! I've been given another blog award! I am way late on responding to this, but my new blog friend Laura at Casa del Hansen passed this on to me last week. It's too bad I can't give the award back to her, because I definitely would. We are clearly destined to be kindred spirits, so much so that we even share the same name! Laura is a librarian (which I still haven't ruled out as a potential career for myself somewhere down the road), loves to cook and craft, and is also married to a computer-y guy. 'Nuff said. :-)

So, the award! According to the definition that's floating around the internet, liebster means "favorite" in German. This award is designed to highlight blogs that have less than 200 followers. (Hey! That's me!) When I pass it on five of MY favorite blogs to read, I'll be sharing the love....er, the liebster.

However....I have to admit that I don't read too many blogs with less then 200 followers. I'm faithful to several of the "big names" in blogging, like Marriage Confessions and Young House Love. (Plus, Laura stole a couple of my would-be five.) So here's what I'm going to do: if you read this blog, I pretty much think you're awesome. If you want the award, leave me a comment telling me why your blog is awesome and take it! I'll reciprocate by reading your blog (which I most likely do anyway) and highlighting you in a later post. And if you don't want the award, leave me a comment anyway and tell me about some of your favorite blogs to read. I can always use new friends in my Google Reader feed!

And I really do feel like these blogs are my friends. (Well, I guess I technically mean the bloggers.) When I get home from work, I usually have a mental list of at least several things I could/should do, like exercise, cook dinner, clean the bathroom, etc. But instead I am usually drawn to my computer, to read my blogs. I MISS them when I can't check in all day! I love seeing what new projects people have done, swapping stories about frugal shopping trips, and reading about emotions that remind me I'm not alone in the life I'm trying to live. And writing my own blog has really begun to shape my life. Every project I do, every meal I cook, every deep thought I have becomes fodder for these posts. I think to myself, "I could do this the lazy way....or I could flesh it out and blog about it!" Having this outlet forces me (in a good way!) to step out of my comfort zone sometimes, and it gives me incentive for having done so.

So this award means a lot to me, to find out that someone I haven't even met, whose blog I love to read, loves reading mine as well. I would do it even if it were just for me, but it's nice to know I'm not blogging in vain. Thanks, Laura, for the affirmation. Now come grab your Liebster cred and pass it on!!

Laura Lindeman

Laura Lindeman